Posts about art

Underfoot / Overhead

Recently I realized I should be doing more with my blog than posting about py5 releases. I can and should write more! Here's a post that's also a small step in that direction.

I have the privilege of working with Marina Zurkow to create digital art. She's an amazing artist with much experience and knowledge. I'm grateful for the opportunity to work with her. Over the past few years we have made several digital art pieces together. You can see documentation of the work in the Art section of this website.

Recently we put together a gallery show alongside Jasmine Murrell titled Underfoot / Overhead. The show is at Wasserman Projects in Detroit, Michigan, USA. It opened on April 20th and will be up until June 8th.

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Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

This year I used my new Axidraw to create my holiday cards. I'm very happy with the result:

holiday card with a wire frame christmas tree and the words "happy holidays" across the top

holiday card with a wire frame christmas tree and the words "merry christmas" across the top

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Better late than never Camera3D Release

A few days ago the Processing Foundation made the beta release of Processing 4 available for download. This was a great opportunity for me to review the Camera-3D and ColorBlindness libraries to make sure all of the example code works with the new version. I had to make some small changes here and there, as well as update some code to adapt to changes to the Shapes3D library. Everything now works and is ready for you to use in your creative projects.

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Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

This is the 3D animation I made for my holiday cards, using the open source library I've been building, py5. You'll need ChromaDepth glasses to see the 3D effect properly.

Music: This is Christmas by Scott Holmes Music.

The snowflakes are from the old and widely used WWFlakes font by WindWalker64.

The actual source code for this animation is available on github as a gist. This is a good example of how one can easily augment py5 with a Java Processing library.

This animation took some time to create because I first had to figure out how to implement ChromaDepth in Java. It's also the first time I did something notable in Processing using shaders, and that took some effort to learn. Shaders are a topic I've been wanting to explore for a long time and am happy I got the opportunity to do so while creating this. I'm also happy that py5 performed well during the development process. I didn't have to fix any bugs. Hooray!

Also have a look at the animations for 2015, 2016, and 2018. Those animations all require red-cyan anaglyph 3D Glasses.

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

This year I learned how to create handmade cards using watercolors. I painted the cover of each card by hand. Have a look at the results.

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Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

This is the 3D animation I made for my holiday cards. View this with red-cyan 3D Glasses (red on the left, cyan on the right).

If you don't have 3D glasses you can watch the non-anaglyph version.

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Camera3D and 360 Video

A new version of Camera3D has been released!

Version 1.2 supports 360 videos. Here is an example:

In addition, I made some performance improvements using new tools found in Java 1.8. Processing 2.x is no longer supported.

More information available on the Camera-3D Camera-3D project page.

In memory of my lamp

Tragically, the second lamp I made at ITP camp is gone.

animation showing the lamp sitting on a nightstand. It is on in the first frame, off in the second, and the third shows a closeup of the lamp base, showing the gravel inside the wine bottle base.

I accidentally toppled it today. It fell, shattering into pieces.

I am not upset though. Most of the parts were salvageable and will be re-used in a future lamp. I have three wine bottles with holes already drilled in them, so I can make an identical lamp if I want to. I won't though. I realize now that filling the bottle to the top with gravel raised the center of gravity higher than where it should be. The next one will will be half filled with gravel. How about plastic or glass beads for the top half? I could make something that looks fishtank-like. I am sad that lamp is gone, but know that the next lamp will be better.

And now is a good time for a public service announcement on the proper way to clean up glass:

Very effective. I had bread-crumbs everywhere but that is much easier to deal with than the broken glass.