Posts about music (old posts, page 1)


I made audio files from the previously posted videos and uploaded everything to Soundcloud. The sound quality of these recordings aren't very good but now my parents easily listen to my play piano using their Sonos speakers.

Everything is linked together in one playlist. Soon I will replace these recordings with better ones and add new songs.

Gnossienne No 3

I finally had time to record myself playing Erik Satie's Gnossienne No. 3. There are 6 of them, but I am just going to focus on the first 3 for now.

This isn't my best rendition of this piece but it will do. I need to record myself more often so I get more comfortable with it. I should also re-record the pieces in my previous posts because I can play those much better now.

Currently I am working on Satie's Nocturnes No. 1 and Robert Shumann's Träumerei.

More Gnossiennes

I play my favorite song Gnossienne #1 so often that I can play it from memory. I've been able to play it from memory for a few months now, but I didn't attempt to make a video of myself without sheet music until today.

I think I play it much better here. I am more gentle with the chords, which is important for Satie's work.

And I can now play Gnossienne #2 reasonably well. This still a work in progress.

I have started on #3, and can play the first third of the piece.

More Gymnopedies

I've been putting a lot of effort into learning the first three of Satie's Gymnopedies. Here's me playing the second one:

I also tried playing all three in a row. I noticeably messed up the chords in a few places but I'm posting it anyway.

When I listen to the professionals play Satie's songs the chords are played softer than the way I hit them. I tried to imitate them here, but made more mistakes as a result.

Gnossienne #1

Erik Satie's Gnossienne #1. This is one of my favorite piano pieces to listen to. Before I owned a piano dreamed of playing this song one day. It means a lot to me that I can play it now.

Piano Music for Springtime

I made some videos of myself playing piano.

The first is Erik Satie's Gymnopedie #1. The perfect song for springtime. I think I play well here but I hesitate in a couple of places. Still trying to learn all the chords.

Next is Frederic Chopin's Prelude in C Minor #20. This is often called the "Funeral March." Not for Springtime, but a beautiful piece nevertheless.