Graduated from ITP
After two long years of hard work I have graduated from NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP). ITP was a wonderful experience and I am grateful for everything I learned and everyone I met. I'm definitely a changed person as a result. I'm happier and more optimistic about my future. And the ITP experience is not over! I am happy to say that I will be continuing for another year as a resident. I'm excited to continue contributing to this community as I continue to learn.
Over the past two years most of my blog posts have been in the ITP section of this website. Now that I've graduated I want to leave the ITP posts alone and start developing the regular blog section of this site. I will reorganize things a bit and will probably make some breaking changes. That's OK though because nobody links to this site outside of the ITP blog and Processing library documentation. To best prepare for the future, I need to make some adjustments.